A report called Global Food; Waste Not, Want Not is claiming that half the world's food is just thrown away. That is extremely staggering if you ask me. If that is actually the case it is really said since so many hungry people could be fed.
The waste is said to be caused by poor storage facilities and infrastructure, consumers being way to picky, and also overly strict sell-by dates.This is according to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Every year countries produce four billion tons of food, but between 30 percent and 50 percent of it never gets eaten.
The report also states that half the food purchased in Europe and the US is thrown away after it is purchased. It is also stated that in the food production process large amounts of water are wasted.
I see a lot of food waste around me, and just multiply what I see on a global level. It has to be staggering. Things may only get worse as the world population grows.
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