Does your bacon splatter when you cooking it? Mine sure does. However there are things you can do to keep your bacon from splattering. Back a long time ago, there wasn't the problem of splattering bacon. That is because they cured it differently back then.
The old way was to cure the bacon slowly and using salts to dry it. The bacon then would not splatter when it was cooked. Today bacon is cured in brine which cures the bacon a lot more quickly. When the bacon is cooked this liquid from the brine gets released, which causes the fat to splatter more.
If you want to reduce the amount of splattering when cooking bacon, lower your heat settings. Another thing you can do to stop your bacon from splattering is to soak the bacon in ice water for 2 to 4 minutes, then dry it.
A couple other things you can do to keep your bacon from splattering is sprinkling a bit of flour on it before cooking. And if all else fails, use a splatter screen over your frying pan, those screens work wonders.
For more information on pork and purchasing pork visit >> What to Look for When Buying Pork