Believe it or not the vents are really important when it comes to grilling. So, it is really important to know how to use your charcoal grill vents. I know this may seem odd, but a grill with open vents cooks hotter than a grill with them closed. If you had your vents all closed it would actually shut down the heat. So, knowing how to use your vents is really important.
Before you even start your coals up, open the bottom vent fully. When the coals are ready and you have the meat on the grill, place the lid on and open the top vent fully as well. The air flows in through your bottom vent and out through the top. The top vent on your charcoal grill is used to keep heat and smoke in, or allow it to escape.
Adjusting the bottom vent will reduce the heat and also extends the burning time of your charcoal. If you close the bottom fully or too much you are going to put out the fire.
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