There are many schools of thought when it comes to whether or not you should salt and pepper your steak before cooking. Some will say to salt prior to cooking and others will say to wait until after cooking.
Salt will draw liquid from your steak. So if you are cooking a steak in a pan the liquid will start to boil and give your meat a color and/or texture you may not want. If you are looking to get a salty flavor into the steak you would have to puncture the meat. You really don't want to do that since that will let all the juices out.
So, if you are looking for a salt flavor in you steak it is best to salt both sides of your steak right before you serve it. One other thing to note if you like to pepper your steak. Do not pepper it if you plan to cook your steak in the pan. Pepper has a tendency to get bitter if it is scorched by high heat.
Wondering why your steak tastes different the next day? Visit >> Why Does the Flavor of Beef Change