Monday, January 28, 2013

Color of Meat - The Sign of Freshness

If your meat is frozen it should always be thawed in the refrigerator. Do not leave it out on your counter to thaw. Once you have thawed your meat it should be cooked up right away. Do not let it sit in your refrigerator for another day or two like you can with fresh meats.

The color of fresh beef will be bright red. This comes from the beef muscle pigment. If it is not so bright and is more of a darker red, it is most likely an older cow. If your meat or the meat at the market is grayish in color it is usually from the oxidation of the muscle pigments. You can still eat it if it is graying, as it is perfectly safe.

When checking out the fat on your beef cuts, you should look closely at the color. Fresh beef fat will be white, not yellowing.

These are simple steps in knowing the freshness of your beef cuts. So, pay attention to the coloring of your meats.