I don't know about you, but I like to use my ham bone to make navy bean and ham soup, or split pea and ham soup. But sometimes cutting all that ham off the bone is a big pain. Having a bone in the ham makes it a lot tougher to carve as well. It would be a lot better if you could easily remove the bone. Well it can be really simple to remove the ham bone if you do it the right way. I'm going to give you a simple tip to making removing the ham bone a snap.
If you want to make removing a ham bone easy, follow my next set of instructions. Before placing the ham in the cooking pan, cut a slit in the ham lengthwise down the bone. Do not take the bone out at this point, you want it in the ham for cooking. While the ham cooks, the meat will start to pull away from the bone. So, once the ham it fully cooked the ham bone will be easy to pull out.
It is that simple to remove the ham bone. Now you can easily carve your ham and also use the bone for soups.
Want to learn more about ham? Visit >> Brine Injected Ham Here you will learn all about your brine injected hams.